Green Thumb Garden Club Announces Events and Programs Through May 2024
By Kathleen Edge, Publicity & Website Chair
Green Thumb Garden Club is concluding their 2023-2024 year with many exciting events and programs.
Wednesday, March 20, 9:30 AM Camp Longleaf in Freeport, Florida is the destination! That’s right, GTGC is going to Camp! Green Thumb Garden Club provides scholarship support to Camp Longleaf summer participants. GTGC members will tour the grounds and hear about their programs and experiences. A catered lunch in their dining hall will be served. The address is 4956 Highway 20 East, Freeport, FL. Check in begins at 9 am, tour begins promptly at 10 am. Carpooling and comfy shoes are recommended.
Wednesday to Friday, April 10-12 Jacksonville, FL, 100th Anniversary Celebration of FFGC: District 1 is hosting this event with many great activities. Additional information and registration forms can be found at
Wednesday, April 17, 9:30 AM This month, in association with Earth Day, GTGC is “Going Green”. Master Gardener, Bill Kuenstler, with the UF/IAFS Northwest Florida Extension will be the speaker. The venue is Westwinds Conference Center, 4700 Westwinds Drive, Miramar Beach, FL 32550.
Wednesday, May 15, 9:30 AM is the final meeting of the 2023-2024 event year and a grand celebration. Dubbed ‘Petals, Pearls, and Prosecco”, you can join your Green Thumb friends for the presentation of Scholarship Awards and Landscape Awards. The fete is the culmination of a year of dedication, hard work and shared fun with our valued members. The 2024-2025 GTGC Board of Directors will be installed at the May meeting.
The Green Thumb Garden Club welcomes new members. The 2024-2025 meeting and program year begins in September 2024. The GTGC website contains detailed information about how to join the Club and details on meetings, activities, and events. For additional information, please visit the website or email The Walton County community is encouraged to join the Green Thumb Garden Club to support its charitable mission while connecting with other members and having fun.
The Green Thumb Garden Club, Inc., located in Walton County, Florida, is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Its mission is to stimulate interest in the beautification of Walton County, furthering the education of its members and the public in botany, community beautification, conservation of natural resources, environmental awareness, floral design, gardening, horticulture, and nature studies and instill in our youth the love of gardening and respect for the environment.