
A special message from Kat Spieker, Director, Florida Flower Show Judges,
District 1

Here’s hoping you are all well and looking forward to the convention COMING UP SOON!! By now you certainly have registered and made your hotel reservations! Right?/RIGHT! If not, DO IT NOW!! Go to to get registered. Let’s have a great showing of support from District I at the Convention and the Flower Show! District I is the HOST so let’s make a BIG noise at Jacksonville this year! registered.

Today I want you to take a look at the Botanical Arts Division of the flower show schedule. (See attached). See Section A, Beyond The Container. My job is to fill those three classes with lovely dried/pressed/preserved specimens. I have openings in all three classes and encourage you to enter. You can, of course, enter an exhibit in all three classes!

I think we always have in the backs of our minds the thought “how am I going to transport an entry to the show which is always SO FAR AWAY”. BUT FEAR NOT!!!! Here’s some things to think about as you pack to go to the convention, and even if you can not physically attend, these are still applicable.

1. The FINISHED size of these entries will be NO LARGER than an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet protector (of which I have hundreds for you to use) or a 9″ paper plate.

2. Carefully read the Botanical Arts General Rules to learn how to create your entries. If you begin your preservation/pressing NOW you will be ready to send your entries with a judge from your club to the Judges Council APRIL 4, 2024 meeting in Milton. I will be glad to take your entry to the show for you, as Gunner (My Truck) and I will have plenty of room.

3. Call or text me at 850-687-6381 with your entry choice or email me at Reserve your entry now before all the classes are filled.

Let’s have a great showing of support from District I at the Convention and the Flower Show! District I is the HOST so let’s make a BIG noise at Jacksonville this year!

Two versions of the excerpt from the schedule are attached for you to view and print out as you wish. You can see the ENTIRE schedule here:

Flower Show “Celebrating 100 Years!”  — Click link for the Flower Show Schedule