
Buds and Banter Bulletin

December 2023

Hello, my friends,

Hope all of you are enjoying this Holiday season! šŸŽ„šŸ’„ā­ļø This year has been a magnificent club year and thereā€™s more to come! Our Holiday Bazaar was a showstopper, netting a little over $7500. šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤© With your generosity and dedication to our club this year we are able to donate $4000 to our Mercer Scholarship. I am blown away with your talent and generosity! Thank you all for every part you played during this event. There are many moving parts and it couldnā€™t have been successful without each one of you! Go ahead and mark your calendars for Saturday, November 2, 2024 for our 4th annual Holiday Bazaar! Woohoo šŸ„³

For all of you who attended our Christmas Party, wasnā€™t it FUN! Everyone looked so festive and I loved seeing your smiling faces. The love and support yā€™all shared with the children of Walton County through Santa Patrol and with our Habitat Family, the Alessioā€™s, was outstanding this year. Over $3,800 in cash, gift cards and gifts. Special thanks to our wonderful card making ladies for donating their proceeds of the day to Santa Patrol. I know many children will wake up on Christmas morning with gifts under the tree and that warms my heart! Thank yā€™all again for being such amazing, generous members!

Yā€™all, we have a busy few months coming up so get your calendars ready!

Wednesday, January 17, will be our first meeting of 2024. Russ Barley, our favorite Mayor of Freeport, will be demonstrating new ā€œ Floral Trends of Todayā€! Russ is the owner of Emerald Coast Flowers and Gifts in Freeport. Canā€™t wait to see yā€™all! šŸŒŗ

Friday, January 19, we will celebrate Arbor Day at Legion Park in Miramar Beach. This is a program FFGC is running statewide. All the garden clubs will be planting a tree at the same time. We will be dedicating a mighty Live Oak tree to Donna Johns. For those of you who donā€™t know her, she is a mother, grandmother, a retired Special Ops Agent in the United States Air Force, a 2 time cancer survivor and recently became the District 4 Commissioner for Walton County. We hope all of you will participate in this event! Festivities begin at 10 AM!

Wednesday, February 21, ladies get ready to show us your Tablescaping skills. Thatā€™s right. This will be a friendly competition. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Go ahead and start putting your teams together and get those creative juices flowing. Weā€™ll give more information at the January meeting. The table size will depend upon how many entries we get.

Thatā€™s all the meetings Iā€™ll share for now but we are working on a trip to attend the 100th Anniversary of the FFGC in Jacksonville, FL in April! This will be so much fun! More details to come!

In closing, on behalf of the Board of Directors of GTGC, Inc. we want to wish you all a joyous Christmas and the Happiest New Year Ever! We love and appreciate every one of you and look forward to seeing you on January 17!

We Never Walk Alone,
