Buds and Banter Bulletin
Happy Summer Everyone!
Hope you’re staying cool, enjoying your family and friends and having fun in your travels. Boy do we have a lot to catch up on! 😄
Our Petals, Pearls and Prosecco event was a Huge success. Great fun was had by all and your hats and fascinators were fabulous! We could do an entire meeting on hat decorating. 🤣. The highlight of the day was the opportunity to give out $5000 in scholarship money! Yep, y’all read that correctly! 💥💥💥 Your generosity made it possible for us to not only award 2 young ladies a Mercer Scholarship this year but to also award the Summer camp programs at the Biophilia Center and 4-H Club $1000 each! We have to start children loving gardening and their environment while they’re young! ❤️ I couldn’t be more proud of y’all! On behalf of the entire Green Thumb Board of Directors we want to thank you for a wonderful year! We also want to thank everyone who helped make our member meetings and our Holiday Bazaar a success. Your time, talent and generosity makes us the wonderful family we are and every one of you are appreciated, important and loved! 😘 I’ve missed y’all and can’t wait to see you in September!
We’ve been busy planning so here’s a tidbit of the first part of the year. Mark your calendars! We’re proud to call Westwinds Conference Center our new GTGC home. They have been so generous and we couldn’t be happier to have their partnership!
Wednesday, September 20, will be our first meeting of the year. We’ll start with a Committee Fair Walkabout so you can see what fun things our club has to offer then we’ll move inside to work on some crafts for our Holiday Bazaar. Yay! November will be here before ya know it! 🤣 For those of you who haven’t already renewed your membership this would be a great time to do it! 🥰
Wednesday, October 18, we’ll be showing off our talents with Tablescapes! You will be amazed at how clever and professional many of our members are! Stay tuned on how You can be part of this fabulous meeting.
Saturday, November 4, at Cantina Laredo is our 3rd Holiday Bazaar! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Start thinking of what you can do to help this major fundraiser be a success. Do you have a talent or idea for fun, handmade gifts? Feel free to reach out to me!
Thursday, December 7, at Westwinds! Come “Celebrate the Holiday” with your Green Thumb Family! More about this spectacular Daytime event to come! 🥂🎄
Wednesday, January 17, Russ Barley with Emerald Coast Flowers will be demonstrating some fabulous floral designs for us! This smooth talking Mayor of Freeport will delight you with his talent!
So Mark your Calendars! Get ready for a fabulous new year!
Love y’all and remember…..
You Never Walk Alone,
- There are a few changes from our historical procedures, all intended to facilitate intake of entries to be ready for judging. Of course these points are in the text of the schedule, but here’s a list for your convenience.
- All entries will be received from 7:30 – 10:30 am on October 18.
- Entrants are asked to step up their horticultural knowledge and classify their own entries with botanical nomenclature (Genus specific epithet) rather than depend upon the Classification Team to do it for them. Our horticulture list is lengthy, and between it and easily accessible plant ID programs/Google Lens on our ubiquitous cell phones, much of the mystery has been defused. Horticulture competitors can help us out and become more learned at the same time!
- Entries of Horticulture Collections and Displays must be pre-registered with the show chair.